Another Castelli Animati Animation Festival , i'ts 12th edition, came and went. This time it was celebrated at Cinecittá Studios, a place haunted by the ghosts of Ben Hur and Federico Fellini.
As usual, and thanks to the conduction of Lucca Raffaelli and the organization of a great gang of guys and dolls, the festival was another nice occasion for meeting people, eating terrific food, boozing great wine, talking rubbish and visiting interesting places....Oh, Yes! I forgotten!!...It was also an opportunity for watching a large selection of animated films!...
On a VERY rainy day we went to visit Rome with Dave Silverman. In the Coliseum we tossed a coin to find who was going to be crucified first. I can't remember who won the toss.
Dave Silverman gave several masterclasses on the Simpsons that were the brightest point of the festival.
Dave is an extraordinary guy, great animator, terrific musician and marvellously entertaining orator.
We all loved every minute of his company.
Here Dave is seen playing the tuba. Someone had the brilliant idea of renting one and "forced" him to play. David confessed he much preferred to play the tuba under duress that to draw Simpsons characters for EVERY visitor at the festival. I stopped counting when he was into his eighteen hundred and twenty two Krusty The Clown, and that was on the first day of the festival!
I think when Patricia took this photo they were playing "Sweet Georgia Brown"
Organizer Sabrina Perucca and festival director Luca Raffaelli get drunk and tell us to leave them in peace. Luca could be very dangerous under the influence of alcohol and brandishing a knife.
Rositta Raffaelli videos me grimacing my "drawing Face".
Every day in the commissary of Cinecittá I sat in front of this Federico Fellini's drawing representing himself directing "Fred and Ginger"
Here I explain to a young Roman about the mystery and meaning of my art during and impromptu visit to the exhibition. Piero Fortini smiles ironically and Vincenzo Silvestri leaves the room disgusted.
All photos by Patricia Grillo
Not bad!
Qué bien te lo estás pasando, pibe.
contagiás alegría. eso es lo mejor contra el calentamiento global. O por lo menos ayuda.
Last weekend in Paris I found a hefty tome containing hundreds of Fellini's 'dream-drawings'-a kind of visual, dream journal that he kept. Obviously he allowed his subconscious fantasies to inform the rich imagery of his cinema.
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