These are the last pics I´ll post from Buenos Aires. The day after tomorrow we will fly back to London. I am very melancholic.
A los que viven en Baires. El sabado 2 la revista Ñ publicara una entrevista conjunta que nos hicieron a Sábat y a mi. El jueves dejaremos esta ciudad rumbo a Londres. El sentimiento reinante es la melancolia.
I drew this in the mid- sixties, Sanchez was the new husband of the widow of a well known Argentinean artist. I thought that he could go mad and fly all over the world transforming himself into many silly things. Here are some drawings saved from a flood.
Sketches drawn on flight from L.A. to London. Some producer was toying with the idea of making a pirates animated musical. As usual, nothing happened. Anyway...The script sucked.