¡¡¡Muy buena toda la serie, Troesma!!!...¡¡qué capos eran estos tipos, caray!!... Herriman me parece una cosa de locos, surrealismo al mango, y como si eso fuera poco cuando pienso que prácticamente estaban inventando un género mi asombro se multiplica. ¡¡Once puntos!!!
As an aswer to the question you made in the other blog:...No, I never made sculptures but maybe there are vestiges of my years as an animator in trying to dimensionalise too much the figures, a habit I try to shake off my work. I detest animation drawing, absolutely hate it...95 per cent of it is horrifically stereotypical and formulaic...Don't you believe in that bullshit of "illusion of life"....There is more "life" in toilet's grafitti in pubs ...I prefer the lines that flow more capriciously and without perceived objectives, lines that surprise you...If you want me to expand on this, let's meet for lunch soon.
I love this series of drawings very much!:o)
I am really pleased, Andrei. Spasibo!
You have created yours unique world. And I love it!:O)
Takes two to tango, Dear Andrei.
¡¡¡Muy buena toda la serie, Troesma!!!...¡¡qué capos eran estos tipos, caray!!...
Herriman me parece una cosa de locos, surrealismo al mango, y como si eso fuera poco cuando pienso que prácticamente estaban inventando un género mi asombro se multiplica.
¡¡Once puntos!!!
Paper brilliance.
Paper, ink and bytes.....
As an aswer to the question you made in the other blog:...No, I never made sculptures but maybe there are vestiges of my years as an animator in trying to dimensionalise too much the figures, a habit I try to shake off my work. I detest animation drawing, absolutely hate it...95 per cent of it is horrifically stereotypical and formulaic...Don't you believe in that bullshit of "illusion of life"....There is more "life" in toilet's grafitti in pubs ...I prefer the lines that flow more capriciously and without perceived objectives, lines that surprise you...If you want me to expand on this, let's meet for lunch soon.
Can I come?
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